
Saturday, February 14, 2009

tika o tika..

suke tika tagged2 org nie.. :D

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.(To do this, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, then click publish.)disclaimer: i edited the instructions

1. name saye pelik n sy suke

2.suke mkn ayam

3.xsuke sayur

4.xsuke jerawat bgn pg

6.demam bile stress

7.suke warna hijau..biru..merah..n the latest one coklat

8.xleh tido dlm keadaan terang

9.sume bende yg diinginkan xpenah dpt..even la kos kt tmpt nie n hal2 peribadi

10.berminat nk kwen xde org masuk lak

11.tkt bersalin!!tp suke knk2

12.geli,tkt,fobia ngn siput

13.suke beli kasut

14.muke je org nye x..kl xknl nmpk mcm pendiam..hahhaa

15.suke dengr lagu 'DIBIUS CINTA'

16.suke usya lelaki..nk2 body hot..muke mcm kaki pukul tp baik hatinye..

17.alat muzik pertama main ngn mahirnye ialah biola..

18.suke bunge ros kaler putih n merah

19.suke g tmpt sejuk2..tenang2..

20.cenderung kt buku citer yg ader pun sm gak..

21.xsuke duk kt tmpt nie..sbb org2 nye kebanyakkannye syko

22.suke main games yg gune akal pkiran(bookworm..neighbours from hell..)

23.penah la minat kt Shah Rukh Khan st ketika lu

24.penah ader crush kt kwn baik bf..(hahhaa..time tu jiwe liar r..sory 2 dulu je..sekarang tidak lagi!!143papa!!!)

25.teringin nk namekan ank ngn name Melati,Jasmin,Melur...hahahha..

huh..akhirnye..berjaya gk aku wat bende2 nie..hmm ni je la kot yg terlintas kt kepala aku time nie..mayb ader bnyk lagi kot rhsie yg masih tersimpan..hahhaha...

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