
Friday, February 13, 2009

HaRi iNi...

Hmm ari ni hari jadi aku..well..xde pe2 pun yg bese ngn hari semlm o kelmarin..xdela nmpk tue ke..mude ke..ape2 ke..sll nye kiter mest expect seseorg ni wish kat nmpknye org2 itu lupe..mayb mereka sibuk kot..xpun ader hal lain..ape2 aje la..

Smlm lak..secara tibe2 aku ader hal yg xdpt nk d elakkan smpi la ke kul 12..cian kt org tu..penat tunggu nk ajak kuar..sory yek papa..mama ader keje la..neway kiterorg still smpt jumpe la mlm td..even kejap (sbb dh tgh mlm)..but still bermakne..hehehe..thx for the flower.. :D

bunge papa bagi

N pg td..still g kelas..mcm bese korg kepade yg same besday ngn aku nie..i wish u hapy besday!!! :D


Tka Jayhunn said...


br aku perasan...

bday ko Friday the 13th arr...

padan ar mlg semacam je kan?

seb bek xde serial killer tho cm creta kat tv tuh...hak3...


dan lg satu yg aku xley sebut...

mug tu ade jin gajah wey...


AsH said...

ek eleh..ader lak mcm tu..xmo la..tkt aku..cukupla ngn syko2 yg dh sedia ader kt tmpt nie..huuhuh..

inchemohdfarouk said...

hehe.comel bunge tu.tapi cumel lagi org yg trime.happy bday mamaku!

AsH said...

thanks papa..