
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

farewell party for my friends...

This week will be final week for both my friends..Meor n falaq doing internship at SRCPD..well at first tu xdela kenal sgt.. tp dh nk abis ni..bole la.. PD..pratikal 3 bulan kot..still study kt GMI.. johor..pratikal hampir 8 bulan..dh abis blajar dr UiTM shah alam..xstudent SAMURA...

so ni la dishes yg kiteorg ader...di taja khas oleh Meor n falaq..

org kt dlm pic tu..skadar menjadi background..
kuat sungguh Meor mengangkat 'abg'nye itu..

cik abgs sume..tuang air kt cwn tau.. ni berjln ngn jaye nye..alhamdullilah..pas magrib br kiterorg pulang ke umah masing2..
due manusie yg wajahnye hampir x same

ni lak..korg pk la sendiri yek..

neway guys..nice to know both of u..perhaps next time we will meet again..gud luck in ur future..see ya!!!


inchemohdfaroukbinmohdsaad said...

budak kene angkat tu mcm keling.hahah

AsH said...

saye xckp..kamu yg tulis..hahaha